
Here you will find information materials about the Bearded Vulture LIFE project, as well as previous projects and activities by the Fund for Wild Flora and Fauna.


Scientific articles

Stoyanov G, Peshev HV, Kmetova–Biro E, Stoynov E, Ivanov I, Vangelova N, Nikolova Z, Mitrevichin E, Grozdanov A (2023) Results of the re-introduction of the Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) in Vrachanski Balkan Nature Park, Bulgaria – completion of the establishing phase 2010–2020. Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e100834.

Ivanov I, Stoynov E, Stoyanov G, Kmetova–Biro E, Andevski J, Peshev H, Marin S, Terraube J, Bonchev L, Stoev IP, Tavares J, Loercher F, Huyghe M, Nikolova Z, Vangelova N, Stanchev S, Mitrevichin E, Tilova E, Grozdanov A (2023) First results from the releases of Cinereous Vultures (Aegypius monachus) aiming at re-introducing the species in Bulgaria – the start of the establishment phase 2018–2022. Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e100521.



Cinereous vultures in Kotel 2024
Griffon vultures Census 2023
Cinereous vultures nesting in the Balkans
Cinereous Vultures Mortality Factors in Bulgaria
Графика с най-честите фактори за смъртта на черните лешояди от 2018 насам.

Latest news about the project: