Project Area

The project area strategically covers about 30,000 km² including 9 SPAs (Special Protected Areas), suitable for, and currently inhabited by vultures along the Balkan Mountains chain, but also in SW and SE Bulgaria. It comprises core areas of some 6000 km² (group of SPAs along the Balkan Mountains) of suitable habitats, to serve as breeding and foraging sites for vultures.

The Project Area in Bulgaria includes one National Park (Central Balkan) and three Nature Parks (Sinite Kamani, Vrachanski Balkan and Rilski Manastir). Nine SPAs in total are included in the PA: Ponor (BG0002005), Vrachanski Balkan (BG0002053), Tsentralen Balkan (BG0000494), Sinite kamani – Grebenets (BG0002058), Kotlenska planina (BG0002029), Rilski manastir (BG0000496), Kresna (BG0002003), Sakar (BG0002021), Provadiysko-Royaksko plato (BG0002038).

Actions are provided in one Natura 2000 site in Romania – Piemontul Făgăraș ROSPA0098, where feasibility studies for future reintroductions of GV and, CV and BV will be elaborated.

Project area map - Bearded vulture LIFE
Project area - Bearded vulture LIFE

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