In the summer of 2023, a group of griffon vultures from the Kresna Gorge (over 30) spent their summer in the Rila National Park and Rila Monastery Nature Park. Equipped with GPS transmitters, they favored roosting in Maliovitsa and foraged between peaks Kalinini, Otovitsa, and Kabul, as well as the Pazar Dere area and the Urdina river valley up to Maliovitsa. They were drawn to this area due to herds of domestic animals in summer pastures. Park officers confirmed this information.
Kresna’s Griffon Vultures Spending Summer 2023 in Rila Mountain
It marked the first year of a new griffon vulture colony in Kresna Gorge, choosing Rila over Pirin, likely due to administrative changes in grazing rules in Pirin National Park and reduced summer livestock grazing.
The LIFE program of the European Union finances the “Life for the Bearded Vulture” project (project 101113869 LIFE22-NAT-BG-Bearded Vulture LIFE).
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